Accredited Qualifications
Our courses are accredited by NCFE, a nationwide recognized awarding body. On completion of one of our unregulated Customised Qualifications, learners will receive a certificate of achievement. The certificate is evidence of the knowledge and skills gained by completing the qualification, which has been accredited by NCFE under the Customised Qualification. The certificate of achievement will be issued directly by the NCFE.
This page provides more information on our accredited qualification.
About the NCFE
NCFE is the UK’s longest established awarding body, as well as one of the UK’s fastest growing, which means it’s highly respected for its professionalism and quality. NCFE is recognised as an awarding organisation by the qualification regulators for England, Wales and Northern Ireland, including Ofqual, the Welsh government, and the CCEA in Northern Ireland.
Accredited Qualification
An accredited qualification is issued by an Awarding Organisation (AO), such as the NCFE. It demonstrates the quality and rigour of a course. It is only awarded to training providers, such as Software Academy, who follow a very strict guideline set out by the AO. It shows a recognised AO has approved a course.
An accredited qualification can be used to contribute to a person’s career progression by proving their knowledge and skills to other organisations, such as schools, colleges, universities and employers.
Customised Qualification accreditation
Our qualifications have been developed to meet the specific needs of our learners and has been accredited by NCFE demonstrating the quality and rigor. NCFE is an awarding organisation recognised by the qualification regulators for England (Ofqual), Wales (Qualifications Wales) and Northern Ireland (CCEA Regulation). These category of qualifications are unregulated and not nationally recognised qualifications.
Level in relation to the qualification
Our qualifications have been accredited as a Customised Qualification and we have benchmarked the qualification’s learning outcomes and assessment criteria at the specified Level mentioned on course descriptions (using a national framework’s level descriptors) to allow you to demonstrate the difficulty and depth of study
Certification from NCFE:
On completion of the Customised Qualification, learners will receive a certificate of achievement. The certificate is evidence of the knowledge and skills gained by completing the qualification. These types of qualifications have been accredited by NCFE under the Customised Qualification and the certificate of achievement will be issued directly by NCFE.
Award, Certificate & Diploma
Some courses have different wordings on their titles. What is the difference between an Award, Certificate and a Diploma?
An “award” is a course which has had a Total Learning Hours (TLH) of 120 or less. This is usually the qualification most students will get by completing the first year of their study with us. The hours obtain during this year, will be credited to the hours of the following year.
A “Certificate” indicates the Total Learning Hours of a course has been between 121 to 369 hours. The TLH of an award can also contribute to this. A certificate is usually given to our students who complete their 2nd year of studies with us.
Students on a course with more than 370 Total Learning Hours can be issued a “Diploma”. The TLH gained from a certificate can contribute to this. This is usually given to our students who have completed their 3rd year of studies with us.