Software Academy Safeguarding Policy

Students on Taught Programmes

Current Version:   April 2024 v1

1. Introduction

Software Academy fully recognises its responsibilities for safeguarding children. Our policy applies to all staff working in the school. The aims of this policy are:

      • To support the children’s development in ways that will foster security, confidence and independence.
      • To provide an environment where children feel safe, secure, valued and respected. Should they face any difficulties of any matter a member of staff shall be willing to listen and help to provide suitable action.
      • To raise awareness of all staff (either teaching or nonteaching) of the need to safeguard children and their responsibility in identifying and reporting possible cases of abuse.
      • To monitor children that may be at the risk of harm and provide the best environment to accommodate their requirements.
      • Provide good levels of communication between all members of staff and children.
      • Ensure all staff working at the school are suitable to carry out the job in question by checking and verifying identification, carrying out a CRB/DBS check and also undergoing First Aid Training Procedures and Responsibilities Procedures will follow those that have been set out by the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB).
      • Ensure there is a Designated Senior Member of Staff – Ali Nemati
      • Ensure there is a Deputy Member of Staff in the absence of the Designated Senior Member of Staff – Ana Moniz
      • Ensure there is a Nominated Member of Staff in the absence of the Designated Senior Member of Staff and Deputy Member of Staff – Maytham Elsheybani
      • Ensure that all members of staff are aware of the relevant nominated members of staff.
      • Ensure that duty of care towards students and staff is carried out by raising awareness of illegal, unsafe and unwise behaviour.

These procedures will be reviewed annually. When staff join this school they will be required to read through this policy and have a chance to ask any questions as part of their induction programme The basic induction programme will include information on how to notice signs and symptoms of abuse, how to manage a disclosure from a child, whom to inform and finally how to record any evidence and plans of action.

2. Managing A Disclosure

Teachers and non-teaching staff in schools are in a unique position to observe children’s behaviour. In most cases staff members build a pastoral relationship with children and will play the part to listen and comfort the children during trying times. Software Academy staff will listen carefully to a child’s disclosure and will ask questions of the following nature:

      • How did that happen?
      • Was there anything else happening at that time?
      • Have you spoken to someone about this?

Under no circumstances will staff demand or forcefully pressurise the child. All answers will be documented and reported to the appropriate body.

3. Supporting Children

We recognise that a child who is abused or witnesses violence may feel helpless, humiliated, may blame themselves and find it difficult to develop and maintain a sense of self-worth. Our school may provide some form of stability in the children’s lives where they want to open up to personal matters. Under these circumstances, this will be reported to the relevant MASH/Central Duty Team.

4. Allegations Against Staff

We understand that a pupil may make an allegation against a member of staff. If such an allegation is made, the member of staff receiving the allegation will immediately inform the Designated Senior Member of Staff who will take the following actions:REMOVE & REPLACE: The staff member who has the allegation made against them will be removed and a replacement member who is adequately trained will step in until further notice.
CONTACT LADO: We will follow their instructions (please see relevant details below)
CONTACT OFSTED: 0300 123 1231 and follow up in writing to
INFORM PARENT: Parents will be contacted and informed about any incidents involving their child/children unless the LADO have advised against this.

5. Introduction Supporting Staff

As Software Academy provides a very pastoral environment to children, it may prove to be rather stressful or upsetting for a staff member to comfort a child that is experiencing such difficulties. As duty of care to staff, Software Academy will offer the opportunity for staff to talk through their anxieties and provide any support required to ensure they are able to work with children.

6. Confidentiality

We recognise that cases dealt with any child are treated with respect and as a private matter.

7. Other Issue

With relation to safety of children, Software Academy also treats the following as urgent matters: Bullying, Racism, and any other form of abuse.

8. Health And Safety

This policy has been documented separately and can be found on the Internal Software Academy Noticeboard or as per request.

9. Record Keeping

Any member of staff receiving a disclosure of abuse from a child or young person, or noticing signs or symptoms of possible abuse will make a notification to the Designated Senior Member of Staff, Deputy Member of Staff and/or Nominated Member of Staff. This incident will be documented together with the plan of action and/or outcomes with dealing with relevant bodies such as the Local Police or Council.

10. Complaints or Concerns Expressed by Pupils, Parents and/or Staff

We recognise that listening to children is an important and essential part of safeguarding them against abuse and neglect. To this end any expression of dissatisfaction or disquiet in relation to an individual child will be listened to and acted upon in order to safeguard his/her welfare. We will also seek to ensure that the child or adult who makes a complaint is informed not only about the action the school will take but also the length of time that will be required to resolve the complaint. The school will also endeavour to keep the child or adult regularly informed as to the progress of his/ her complaint.

11. Brent

If you have any concerns about a child being harmed or at risk of harm please contact Brent Council.
“It is everyone’s responsibility to protect children”
Children and their parents may need urgent help. Please contact:
Brent Family Front Door on: 020 8937 4300
If you are calling outside normal office hours (9am – 5pm) please call the emergency duty team on: 020 8863 5250.
If you do not feel comfortable about telling the council, or you are not sure if you are right, you can also speak to a police officer, teacher, health visitor, doctor or the NSPCC. The most important thing is to tell someone who can help.
If you believe a child is in immediate danger you should phone the police. Call 999